Dove Girls

Life and times of the two Dove girls

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

True Sisters

Last night, the girls were playing with some plastic fairy toys and castles but having trouble sharing -- both wanted the same choice pieces of the set. So I tried to intervene, with the alternating pick one method. But since I let Lauren pick first (she was playing with the set first), Rachel didn't get the "best one". Rachel was so upset over this silly little toy I told her she had to come take a break with me in the kitchen. Lauren kept playing but Rachel kept crying/whining. As I was getting ready to send Rachel to her room to cool off, Lauren came in and handed Rachel the toy. All was happy.

An hour later, the girls were sitting at the dinner table while I was getting the plates ready. Lauren was reaching for something, trying to balance between two chairs, caught herself for a second, but then fell on the floor. She looked up at me with that scared, surprised, I am not sure if I should cry or not look. Then I hear crying. But I am looking at Lauren, helping her up and she is not crying. I look at Rachel and she is completely upset and crying. So both Lauren and I go to comfort Rachel who is talking while crying about how Lauren hit her head. Lauren gave her a big hug. It was so sweet. They love each other so much, most of the time.


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